NOTE: If you are looking for VoIP Telephony during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, visit our emergency VoIP page here

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VoIP Telephony that brings people closer together

Good business is built on good communication. These days there are so many options, and yet so many businesses still use outdated, legacy telephony. Time is running out for your legacy phone system, it will soon reach end of life.

Fortunately, there is a better, more modern way. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the future of telephony and gives businesses amazing features to help make communication as effortless as possible.

VoIP services designed to solve common business problems

Too often IT providers will talk in complex jargon, possibly to hope to confuse you into buying. We try to be different. Instead, we talk in terms of common problems that companies face, and how we can solve them.

If you find any of these concerns with your business, perhaps we can help:

An ageing phone system that is no longer fit for purpose

Did you know that BT will soon retire ISDN phone lines? If your business is one of the three million in the UK still using an ISDN phone system then it will soon be defunct.

VoIP is the direction of travel and you will need to be using VoIP after the ISDN switch off. Why not take advantage of the new features and cost-effectiveness of VoIP telephony now and make the investment in a new phone system?

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

If you are working from home throughout the pandemic you might be finding it is extremely expensive to redirect the calls from the fixed lines in your office to the mobiles of your employees. VoIP will slash the costs of call forwarding to almost zero and mean you can revert back to normal with ease whenever the time is right.

Find out more here.

In the market for a new phone system, but not sure which way to go

The two most common internet-based Telephony systems are SIP Trunks and Hosted VoIP. Both offer significant benefits over legacy telephony, but how can you be sure which is correct for your business?

SIP Trunks are a network connection optimised for VoIP. Think of it as a phone line over the internet. You plug your phones into a dedicated switch and you can make calls over the internet using the phone. By contrast, Hosted VoIP does not require any hardware, it can be used with simply a computer application to act as a softphone. Hosted VoIP is managed by entrustIT, meaning you do not have to waste time managing your phone lines and is subscription-based, giving you the best possible value for money.

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

A softphone solution will benefit you throughout the pandemic and beyond. Not only can you keep outward experiences up all while at home, but you can do this at a fraction of the cost in comparison to legacy phone lines. In times where saving money in any way is key, why look to any other telephony solution?

Find out more here.

Trouble with internet bandwidth and call quality on your phone line

If you are already using an internet-based phone system, you may find that your current internet lines and bandwidth are struggling to cope with the demands. A VoIP system for a number of users will put strain on your internet lines so you should be sure that your infrastructure is ready.

entrustIT will ensure that a thorough broadband check is conducted before installing, and will take steps to segregate voice and data lines to give the most resilience. We also take measures to get the most efficiency out of the internet lines you have in place.

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

Even though you may not be able to work in the office due to the coronavirus pandemic, it may be beneficial to future proof your internet bandwidth and ensure there is no way the productivity of your employees is impacted by issues with call quality. The steps we take will mean your infrastructure is ready for you to return to work post lockdown.

Find out more here.

Too many choices of provider for your telephony – how can you be sure you are choosing the correct one?

There are so many different companies providing telephony these days, and they all want your business. American psychologist Barry Schwarz described this as “The Paradox of Choice” and it can cause great anxiety. So what do you need to look for when choosing your VoIP?

Firstly, you need to trust the supplier you partner with. We think trust is so important that we even included it in our company name. To show that we desire to win your trust, we offer all new telephony customers an entire MONTH of demo time, for free. Our contracts are common sense, with 12, 24 and 36 months being the best value, but also with an option for monthly rolling contracts if you would prefer. Furthermore, if you commit to a VoIP contract with us, we allow you a three month “cooling off” period – if you are not happy with our service you can back out!

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

While some companies may have had to stop working due to the pandemic, we have been able to continue working and supporting our customers throughout. Our fully-staffed support desk is available at the click of a button via email or over a phone call all times during the pandemic and beyond.

Find out more here.

A mobile workforce that requires communication as flexible as they are

In the modern workplace, more and more people are working flexibly and remotely. The trouble with people being in many different places is that it is a challenge to pin them down. Sometimes they are at their desk phone, sometimes they are on mobile.

Modern telephony is built with this flexibility in mind. It is now possible to begin a phone call at your desk, and transfer it seamlessly to your mobile phone with the individual on the other end of the line none the wiser. Furthermore, dialling a desk phone will also dial a mobile, without the caller knowing you are not at your desk – a far simpler option for remote workers.

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are being forced into a remote working style. If you have outdated legacy phone systems that don’t match this, then your business may struggle to work throughout lockdown and survive beyond it. VoIP telephony will mean your workforce can work from home comfortably, receiving calls from their desk phone in the office as normal to either their mobile phone or PC.

Find out more here.

Concerns about resilience in your telephone system

For the most part, telephones and communication tools are some of the most important components of a successful business. If they were to ever stop working, your business would suffer. For that reason, you need some resilience ‘baked in’ to your telephone infrastructure.

entrustIT VoIP is built with exactly that in mind. It is completely free of location dependence, meaning your service will still function even if your office burns down. Should the worst happen and your phones are lost, stolen or damaged it is possible to continue dialling using your computer and a softphone – easy!

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

It is these softphone solutions that have been powering businesses throughout the coronavirus lockdown by allowing them to easily keep their outward presence to clients no matter where they may be working.

Find out more here.

Lack of suitable links between your phones and CRM

If you use a CRM platform, it is likely you are frustrated at the lack of integration between your phone system and your CRM. Valuable time is wasted by your agents logging individual calls to your CRM platform, would it not be easier if this process was automatic?

If you agree, then entrustIT‘s Cloud VoIP product now has the solution! Cloud VoIP customers will have the ability to automatically log calls to their CRM system, click-to-dial and take data from your CRM to show you who is calling you. The integration is available for over 100 CRM platforms including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics and SugarCRM – with more being added all of the time!

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

In these unprecedented times we find ourselves in, these quick-links will be key to slashing the amount of time wasted logging calls and working efficiently throughout the lockdown. As a result, this time can be used more positively to work on important projects which will help push you forward through the pandemic and beyond.

Find out more here.

The desire to make upgrades, but concerns about cost

As the old saying goes, take care of the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. When making upgrades and improvements, it is crucial to squeeze out as much value as possible.

We recognise this and do our best to give you the best possible value from your investment. If you should enter into a VoIP contract with us, you will get a free month of line rental for all users as a sweetener. Each contract comes with a three-month ‘cooling-off’ period to allow you to change if you do not feel you are getting adequate service and there are significant savings to be had with discounts for 24/36 month contracts – get in touch with us now to find out how much you could save!

Find out more here.

Solving COVID-19 specific problems:

Due to the coronavirus lockdown, we understand that budgets are low. This is why we have introduced an emergency VoIP telephony package at a reduced price. We can get the service up and running as quickly as possible, to ensure minimal disruption to your business as it gets back up and running.

Find out more here.

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